

Not the Day Before Friday

I recently saw this tweet, and boy that one hit home. Wednesdays am I right? 

Before delving into the realm of job seeking, my weekdays were orchestrated by a steady rhythm. However, as I navigate this job hunt journey, I've found myself dwelling in an unfamiliar parallel dimension, where routine and schedule seem to dance to their own whims.

Amidst this dynamic shift, Wednesdays have assumed the role of quietly bustling days. Rarely do I receive updates from potential employers regarding my candidacy, and the job market appears to be relatively subdued. Curiously, I find myself grappling with a surplus of tasks to accomplish within the confines of the daylight hours.

Furthermore, whenever my mind is granted a moment of respite, it instinctively embarks on a new venture—be it a new business startup idea, an uncharted blog, or an enticing new course. A quintessential manifestation of ADHD, undoubtedly, and I've diligently embraced the art of discipline. I've taken upon myself the task of aligning each "new" endeavor with the overarching purpose of my job search. This endeavor, although challenging, has illuminated a path to channel my innate creativity and energy toward a harmonious pursuit.

Ultimately, I find that I manage to intertwine these endeavors with the job search narrative about 60% of the time. Nevertheless, amidst the flux of creative impulses, I've managed to craft two compelling book outlines. Additionally, a promising concept for a new business has taken shape in my mind, despite the current absence of funding prospects. Furthermore, I've nurtured and expanded my art portfolio significantly, eclipsing the boundaries of what it was at the beginning of the year.

Do you have a more productive day of the week? Or any special rhythm? 


What I’m thinking about today : I’m interested in collecting stories from other Neuro-divergent folks and creating an online story catalogue and support site. Does this already exist? 

Favorite link of todayCo-Star. app. I really enjoy astrology, not because I think it is predestined, but I enjoy the confirmation of certain behaviors, attitudes or tendencies I have that are often pointed out in horoscope related services. Generalities and stereotypes, sure, but anecdotally I feel seen more often than not. 

Read this BookRace to the Sun, by Rebecca Roanhorse