Summer Finale

Summer Finale

Transition and Seaside Escapes

This was originally posted in August 2023 on Substack

As we eke out the last bits of summer, our older child—affectionately referred to as "Big" by me online —is gearing up to return to campus. Her mission: to collect the keys to her apartment and commence the initial phase of moving in. A concurrent plan is set in motion, involving her and my husband embarking on a Dad-Daughter excursion—a fitting conclusion to the summer's adventures.

In the midst of their quality time away, my focus will shift toward our younger offspring—dubbed "Little." Together, she and I are embarking on a much-anticipated coastal getaway to the scenic Oregon Coast. Our travel ensemble includes a new member: Mimi the Pomeranian wonder pup, for whom this trip marks an inaugural encounter with the beach and all the shenanigans awaiting her. 

Some of the moods of the Oregon Coast

This can sometimes feel like a brief melancholic pause before the organized chaos of the fall descends on us. I’m looking forward to someone on one time with the rhythmic waves of the tides, and I will likely bring my watercolor accoutrements, however, there is a 50/50 on whether I’ll actually use them. 

I’ve been reflecting lately on my recent time allocations, and I’ve not yet successfully found the balance between writing time, painting time and job seeking time. Clearly the former takes priority and the bulk of my time and energy at the moment, which has meant I’ve been choosing one or the other of the creative endeavors. That bums me out a little. 

I haven't yet reached the point where I feel entirely comfortable and confident about sustaining myself solely through my creative pursuits, although it has always remained a heartfelt aspiration.

Which brings me to the heartfelt gratitude part of this post. I want to extend my sincere thanks to all of you who have subscribed, taken the time to read, shared my work, and connected with me. Your support means the world to me, and I am truly touched by your thoughtful engagement. It's your encouragement that fuels my creative journey, and I am incredibly grateful for each and every one of you.

What I’m thinking about today : I’m taking suggestions for Mimi’s first Halloween costume. 

Mimi for reference

Favorite link for todayTeal. This is a great resource for job seekers to organize jobs they are interested in and keep track of the applications and what phase they are in. I use the free version, but there are additional services like resume building and help with a premium version. 

Read this BookWe Were There Too !: Young People in U.S. History by Phillip M Hoose. We were given this book during our pandemic year of homeschooling and I really appreciated how relatable it was for Little to see that people her age were making significant contributions to their worlds. For context - we used this book in 5th grade.