I Like Flowers

I Like Flowers

I’ve been working on several upcoming essays but none of them are ready, and my brain wasn’t interested in completing a single one of them today. Instead I started this post. 

I have too many pictures in my phone. A good portion of them are flower pictures. In fact, when searching my phones photo library 1,255 pictures come up under “flower” 

Here in no particular order is selection of some of my favorite flowers. 

Since moving here, and being surrounded by flowers 12 months of the year, I find myself stopping frequently to attempt to capture the beauty. Please enjoy this little break. 

Things I’m thinking about today: Another friend from out of town was here, and whenever I’m with anyone from out of state, I get to do touristy things with them, which is great, because despite living here for over 5 years, I still feel very new. 

In moving this article over from Substack, now in January, it reminds me how much I really do love and miss the flowers. Currently, I’m staying home, since we got some snow and ice and that combined with the large hill I live on means I’m not getting a car down the hill safely, and even on the odd chance I did, I definitely won’t get it back up.