

I didn't manage to write as much as I had hoped yesterday, so I'm jotting down my thoughts in real time now. My aim is to have a few different posts in progress simultaneously, as I often find myself needing to revise and refine my work. However, yesterday turned out to be quite eventful, with a scheduled interview for a position at an organization I'm genuinely thrilled about.

On top of that, a recruiter from a major global brand reached out to me, inquiring if I'd be interested in some potential work with them. These are both incredibly exciting opportunities, but they did pull me away from my writing here as I had to draft proposals for them.

It's almost surreal to think that we're already well into the latter half of August. I'm really hoping to carve out some time to visit the coast or spend time near a large body of water, as I find it incredibly rejuvenating. How about you? What are your favorite ways to savor the summer season?

Note - this post was originally posted on Substack, August of 2023

What I’m thinking about today : Just coming off a week of over 100 degree temperatures - in Oregon, I’ve been thinking about more ways to heighten my conservation efforts. More on that soon.

Favorite link of today: Oregon Coast Aquarium - Shark Cam

Read this BookHow Women Rise, by Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith