Culture of Philanthropy & Your Organization

Culture of Philanthropy & Your Organization
Photo by Lina Trochez / Unsplash

As I've mentioned previously, I'm quite an opinionated fundraiser and fundraising consultant. I always find joy in engaging with individuals who hold the responsibility for resource development within organizations. In fact, one of my favorite ways to leverage my skills involves mentoring and coaching staff and boards of various organizations. My focus isn't solely on nurturing a Culture of Philanthropy, but also on imparting best practices for establishing an efficient stewardship program and fostering a collaborative relationship with the community that supports their mission.

Now, for a shameless plug - if you're seeking ideas and assistance for your resource development and gift planning initiatives, I encourage you to arrange a conversation with me. The initial consultation comes at no cost. Feel free to schedule with me here.


What I’m thinking about today : That time I sent the Montessori Center of Minnesotaa $25 gift and had a thank you letter in my hands three days later. #squadgoals #goldstandard The full story in an upcoming post. 

Favorite link of today: Calendly - in addition to being pretty awesome and easy to use, Calendly was founded by Tope Awotona who’s a pretty cool human. 

Read this BookThe Career Manifesto: Discover Your Calling and Create an Extraordinary Life by Mike Steib