Cheese & Dad Jokes

Cheese & Dad Jokes
Photo by Rudi Mehlgarten / Unsplash

Sorry in Advance, this is not reflective of my best work

In my upcoming writings, I'll delve deeper into the world of fundraising by sharing valuable tools, strategic insights, and informed perspectives on the realm of Philanthropy. 

Drawing from my extensive experience in developing robust fundraising programs, I'll offer guidance on establishing a strong foundation for philanthropic initiatives.

Moreover, I'll provide valuable insights into the art of recruiting fundraisers effectively, a task that I've mastered over my years of hands-on involvement in the field. Stay tuned for actionable advice and comprehensive knowledge based on real-world expertise.

In the meantime, please enjoy some dad jokes:

What can’t you hear a Pterodactyl going to the bathroom?

Because the “P” is silent. <Yes, I know it’s terrible, and a longtime favorite in my house.>

What do you call a pile of cats?

A Meow-ntain.

Ok that’s enough for today. I really value you reading, sharing and subscribing, so thank you so much! 

What I’m thinking about today : Cheese - The below image is a pretty good summation of my relationship with cheese. Thanks @findchaffy 

Favorite link of todayPlanned Parenthood. Given all the attacks on bodily autonomy, this is likely no surprise, but the fundraiser in me needs to share and stronglyencourage you to take action, donate, volunteer, please do something so that everyone can make decisions about their bodies, and their wellbeing. <3 

Read this BookMen Explain Things to Me, by Rebecca Solnit